Uyo, Portrait Of Waste And Of Darkness And Ibom Plaza Of Phone Snatchers

By UbongAbasi Ise

I could recall a hit track that used to get me homesick anytime I was outside my dear state, Akwa Ibom. Well, that was during the last two years of Godswill Akpabio’s administration. The song titled, Akwa Ibom Ayaya, done by Mish, an Akwa Ibom son, was the rave of the moment back then. The release of the hit track at the time was very apt given the fact that Uyo, the state capital, was at its prime and glory. The city of Uyo became the pride for every Akwa Ibomite home and in diaspora. It was with exceeding honour that we listen or joined the sensational chorus: I want to go home; I’m from Akwa ibom; In case you don’t know; Akwa ibom ayaya; You can enter motor; Or fly for aero; And land for Uyo; You should come with me; I’m missing the love at home… Truly, outside the state, the love of coming home to the capital city’s ambience, neatness, beauty and splendor, was indeed overwhelming. But today, Uyo is the world capital of waste, where mountains of refuse formed the pyramids of Egypt.

A stroll to the end of Ndiya Street, by Udo Umana Street, close to Akpan Andem Market, for example, would expose one to the most disgusting dumpsite, accompanied with a highly putrefied atmosphere too contaminated for breathing by the livings. This is the location close to popular market in Uyo where bulk of the foodstuff in the city are coming from. Rodents; flies, mosquitoes, reptiles and all manner of bacteria infested the food commodities and throw the populace into high health risk. Some routes today are enduringly blocked by refuse that have been left over to rot there. Sometimes one wonder if the Akwa Ibom State Agency for Environmental Protection and Waste Management Board (AKSEPWMA) manned by Prince Ikim has ran out of ideas and initiatives that could have brought about effective evacuation of wastes from the streets and main roads of Uyo where refuse are competing with vehicles and pedestrians.

Besides, the city is poorly lit. Most streetlights that were installed during Akpabio’s years are malfunctioned now, or probably switched off to save cost. The dark blanket over the capital city at night is seemingly aiding the criminal elements to further vandalize the streetlights, removing batteries and vital components in them. Some places in Uyo, because of scarlet darkness at night, are no-go areas: Akpan Andem market axis, Orok Close off Nwaniba road, Itam Junction, Urua Ekpa road, Ikpa road, Ibom plaza etc. are reportedly most dangerous zones at night where unsuspecting persons are said to be losing their personal effects, especially phones, to thieves on daily basis.

So bad that Ibom plaza today, has lost its magnificence, and become the theatre that manifests all manner of evil. It has experienced a precipice decline almost like the Great Babylon. Not so many people that witnessed the last days of Obong Attah and to some extent, the administration of Godswill Akpabio, could have thought that in a near future, this iconic piece would degenerate to a naked shame and a derelict structure that represents myriad of miseries and vices prevalent in our society. Unemployment, poverty, hunger, and frustration all manifest today at Plaza. Going through this city’s square conceived to be a site of tourist attraction, one would not only decipher the unfairness of life to the majority of the citizens of this oil-rich state, but would also learn that the government of the day has totally disconnected itself from the plight of the common masses. Truly speaking, every anomaly one would find at this foremost state’s plaza is not less than a reflection of generality of nasty life experience in Akwa Ibom State.

Owing so much to worsening economic realities as well as people’s attempt to extract living out of prevailing harsh economic conditions, Ibom Plaza has now been transformed into the haven of petty-trading. Consequently, unauthorized trading activities have automatically defaced the beauty and aesthetics of this art-piece, and thus create unpleasant sight for the visitors coming to the city. Apart from this, Plaza now harbours streets invalids, lunatics and hoodlums who would routinely go out on nocturnal operations at plaza’s vicinities, robbing unsuspecting citizens of phones, laptops, money, and several other valuable items, even women have allegedly been raped from time to time. In the night when plaza gets dark, if not black, the security personnel are said to be in habit of deserting the place, and so the criminal elements according to a source, would have a field day.

Ibom Plaza is a city square, some feature that could be found in every major and minor cities. A city square always serves as the melting-pot of distinct societies and cultures. It is always a heartbeat and soul of the city. If we could ask the English people what Trafalgar Square in London is meant to them; or find out what Times Square means for the New Yorkers in USA; or ask the Russians what the Red Square in Moscow is really meant to them; or what Tiananmen Square in Beijing is for the Chinese people; or what the Plaza de Mayo in Buenos Aires meant to Argentines; or moreso, what Zocalo known as Plaza de la Constitucion in Mexico City, meant to Mexicans. If we can collect all the answers, then we can bring life and health back to Ibom Plaza, if not for any other thing, but for our pride.

Yes! I am UbongAbasi Ise, for comment, please send SMS to 08189914609 |

©The Sensor Newspaper


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