A Defender of Rights Has Landed!

Infringements on human rights occur daily. Most of such occurrences pass largely unnoticed and unreported by the mainstream media, and over 85% rarely get the attention of law enforcement agencies. Some culprits are so powerful that, they dictate the pace of investigations of the crime they are involved with; violating the twin pillars of justice. The victims are so imperiled that, they are blamed for being victims.
The narration must change as well as the orientation. Governmental and non-governmental agencies and organization seem overwhelmed by the plurality of the various dimensions of the brewing challenge. From the home front, through private sector space to involvement of law enforcement agents and agencies, infringements of human rights by state and non-state actors continue. The structures of the society, and the way law enforcement structures to specific functions, appear to encourage such human rights infringements.
Civic education; good governance education and practical citizens involvement; participation of the citizenry in the polity to encourage their involvement as a vanguard to police the police and other law enforcement agencies; training and inclusion of citizens as whistle blowers; support citizens to work with the police; human rights education; promotion, protection and practice of human rights principles and doctrines, etc; shall be taught and practiced.
An array of human rights practitioners, through, but not limited to, the Akwa Ibom Human Rights Community, and the Foundation for Civic Education, Human Rights and Development Advancement (FoCEHRaDA) and other organizations, shall be assembled to educate the public and specific “publics” in traditional human rights practice, and emerging areas. There are several organizations providing human rights services, and they go largely unrecognized. These organizations all have something to offer, and we are relying on their resources to bring out human rights information to the general public.
The RIGHTS JOURNAL Uyo is debuting in its maiden edition, to bring reports, articles and news items on human rights issues and related information. It is a newsletter targeted at the general public, law enforcement agencies (the police, DSS, Civil Defence Corps, NDLEA, army, other agencies with powers to arrest and /or prosecute), public service, private sector organizations, the academia, students, professional bodies, and other “publics”. It would be distributed free. It is published by the joint partnership of the Akwa Ibom Human Rights Community (AKHRC), and the Foundation for Civic Education, Human Rights and Development (FoCEHRaDA).
The RIGHTS JOURNAL is coming to meet the needs of specialized human rights newsletter that will explore human rights and humanity themes. It will highlight the problems, prospects, principles, practice, promotion and protection of human rights generally, and amplify the issues and subjects surrounding good governance and development issues. It shall seek partnership with individuals, institutions, organization and agencies (both private and public), international organizations and governments, to enhance human rights practice and observance.
Welcome to our world. Welcome to the sphere of influence for the improvement of human rights practice. Welcome to the platform where basic rights, fundamental rights, socio-economic and cultural rights, civil and political rights, and other classification of rights, will received attention. Welcome to where your rights are identified, promoted, protected and enhanced.


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