God’s Global Sabbath Rest

By Da Effiong Daniel

"It still remains that some will enter that rest, and those who formerly had the gospel preached to them did not go in, God’s Global Sabbath Rest because of their disobedience.Therefore God again set a certain day, calling it Today, when a long time later he spoke through David, as was said before: "Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts."Heb.4;6-7.

We thank God that created the heaven and the earth, and everything therein. He arranged rest  as paramount  in  his agenda for all living things. Looking at the way he arranged rest and relaxation, one would just marvel. He is an all-round wise God;  He arranged both time of rest and place of rest for man and everything he created. He created the day for work as well as night for sleep and relaxation. In most cases, if you missed the laws of nature, you maybe forced to do the otherwise.  That's why you see some people sleeping on duty probably because they missed their time of rest and relaxation. In most cases it attracts punishment like sickness for not resting very well. That is why the word of God says there time for everything. “To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: he arranged times and seasons for man so that you must not do things carelessly. God himself is a time-conscious and a time keeping God. He hath made every thing beautiful in his time:  

God kept a day of rest for himself and called it the 7th day.  He rested from his works and instructed man to pause his own work too: “six day shall you work”, and blessed the 7th day, making it a holy day. He sanctified the 7th day and made it  sacred for man. A day for man to relax in his presence.

 The first man Adam kept the Sabbath day till he died. Even when he was driven out of the Garden of Eden, he still kept the 7th day as his day of rest from works. But sadly enough, while  he still kept the 7th day outside the Garden of Eden, his thoughts was that he was serving God in a strange land - outside God presence, outside where he formally met with God. He kept the Sabbath with the rebellious spirit or disobedient, and closed heaven's Sabbath, while observing Sabbath with the serpent injected methods. Can you see a rebellious Adam and Eve keeping a holy day for God? Didn't they do it for  Satan? That's why I say they observed the Sabbath with devil injected doctrines. So even Israel and other peoples in the world have disobediently kept the Sabbath which started with the disobedient Adam and Eve. They are disobediently keeping the hallowed Sabbath day, and in other words, many are, today, keeping Sabbath outside Garden of Eden as Adam: they are very happy worshipping God with rebellious spirit. Consequently, only few have seen the real Sabbath rest, which God has chosen for them.

The truth is that God wants you to rest  from Your own work. If you look back at when Israel failed to enter God’s rest, you could understand that God brought punishment, by sending them into captivity for many years. Why? Just for the fact of not hallowing the Sabbath rest, and for not respecting rest for the land. Yet, he promised them another day, after so long a time, and after their forefathers disobeyed the message preached to them. God promised thus: "they will not enter into my rest.” Until now, the remnant of this stubborn generation never entered into God's rest. Even though God had promised them another Day of rest, “For he designated another day in David, saying today if you hear his voice do not harden your heart.” Now there remained a rest for God people. Let everyone try to enter into it. Heb.4;9-11

Now by God’s mercy, he is bringing physical rest to the whole world. He has arranged so many things to achieve that and one of which is this global pandemic (Covid-19). China may have created it but it is used by God to bring the world into physical rest. Hence, the whole world is now   entering into physical rest at the same time. Incredible! Haman created the gallows and set everything in place to destroy the Jews but God used it for his own sovereign purpose to destroy him and his family while giving Jews freedom. This is the time for the aged-long tears to come to pass for "the free people in the land of Zion and Jerusalem." Haman was hanged on the gallows that he had prepared for Mordecai, and the king's wrath was finally pacified "(Esther 7;10). Wonderful!  The God of Israel who is the God of the whole earth is very strategic in his dealings: this is a year of  global rest from your works. It is what I call God Global Sabbath Rest, (GGSR).

Remember that even our Lord Jesus respected and kept Sabbath rest in the grave and wake up at the first day of the week.  He rested when tired as he did inside the boat, and even advised his busy disciples to  go and rest for a while. Now the whole world has knowingly or unknowingly entered into God Sabbath rest -  a thing that only Israel have been enjoying and observing is now divinely designed for the globe. Whether you know it or not, this is “God Global Sabbath Rest”  in a physical way. This is year of" God  standard estimation (Lev.27;1-2) for the whole world no matter the religion and race; for all souls are mine says the lord. It is  a must  for  all to enter God  standard  measurement. 

But in a spiritual way, as revealed to Christians, God Sabbath is his son, Jesus Christ. He is the new or the revealed   “God place of Rest”; He is ”God's home on earth”; he is not dwelling/living again in the ark, nor in the temples built within men. He has left the seventh 7th day, which is the physical Sabbath day, to a spiritual Sabbath day which is his Son Jesus Christ, the Lord of Sabbath. He is God's place of rest; for God  doesn’t dwell in the house built  by men. He now  dwells  in Jesus Christ as his day of rest (the seventh day). Forr it  pleases  God  that  his fullness  dwells  in him bodily.

 The manifestation of Messiah is at hand. Note that he is coming again; all eyes will see him as he was seen in Jerusalem. I was blaming the Jews for not entering into the finished work of Jesus Christ on the cross. But as I continue to look into the word, “there will not enter into my rest” I know God took an oath that there will not enter into the finished work. That means they will continue to do their own work. Unless you rest from your work, God will not takes over. This is to say that they will not enter into the finished work of Jesus Christ on the cross. Thank God  for opening a way for those who are stubborn to enter into God resting place, that is, Jesus Christ who said: "I am in my father and my is in me," again , "I and my father are one" and again  "if you have seen me you have seen  my father also."  Christ Jesus is God's Sabbath now.

The Lord knew that the whole earth was too busy going and coming, sitting and standing, sleeping and working: no physical rest. He had to arrange this physical rest - a global rest for all, “to make you cease from your work so that he can work in your life.” 

In 2004, I went to a woman whom I knew was the most busy woman in the community then. While on that visit, I preached the gospel to her that Jesus even told his disciples to go and rest for a while. This woman worked like machine, doing so many thing at the same time.  I saw that she reacted negatively to the message of rest that I gave her. She said:  rest, not easy here oh, man of God how can you rest when so many things are piling up for you to do? “ I told her don't worry God will arranged rest for you.” It wasn’t long she was sick and  was hospitalized for operations. The first thing doctor said after  series of tests was that  she needed enough  rest first, before he could do the surgery. When she came back from the hospital, I went to her, and I saw her resting from her works while God was healing the wounds very fast.  I was very happy when she said to me, Pastor, God has given me rest from my work even though so many works are piling up. It is better than dead.  Do you see God arranging bed rest for a busy woman? If he can do for her, he can arranged a global rest for all people. It may not be palatable, but it works wonders afterwards.

The World Health Organization (WHO) and other agencies may not know that God is using them to enforced God global Sabbath rest (GGSR),”for everyone is his servant.”

God global Sabbath rest is not beginning today. It is as old as the world itself. This is what Adam,  Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Israel, and Moses  enjoyed for some years.

What is called a day of rest, a year of rest; the 7th day, the 7th year, in most cases, comes with an alarm, a sound of the trumpets and the eating of stored food. It is a period when the storehouse is opened and things that were stored are brought out as evident in what the UN and the nations are doing now. This is a biblical principle. It is a period of minimal economic activities as it is today. It was only meant for Israel before but now it has become global for the God of Israel is  the God of the whole  earth. It is a jubilee. In Nigeria, it is another Golden Jubilee year  after the civil war (1970-2020).

This early hour of the third day, when the 7th trumpet is sounded. God is ready to take back the crown and he is ready to reveal his son again in planet Earth. He is taking back the crown, and if corona means crown, it therefore means the vision of John is beginning to be fulfilled:
 I looked, and there before me was a white horse! Its rider held a bow, and he was given a crown, and he rode out as a conqueror  on conquest (Rev. 6:2).

 He sounded a Global Sabbath Rest and received the crown in all sector of the economy. Stay in your house, family, village, local government, state, country; eat what you store for past years; relax and sleep; return to your possession, life, and children. You were too busy, now you must be with your wife/husband and children. Cease from your work either in government or private sector so that you will regain strength for the next move as would be directed by God. He loves us that is why he is leaving us with instructions of safety during the battle of the crown: Go my people enter your rooms and shot your doors behind you hide yourselves a little while until the wrath has passed” (Isa 26:20).

In Noah's generation when technological and scientific advancement were seeking to take the place of God on the earth as people then engaged more in the building of skyscrapers, God did similar thing as he said, "be on your own." That was the origin of language boundaries. Now there is confusion, not of language but of not knowing what to do as one can’t freely enter other friends house; and cannot freely embrace one another. The fear of the next person whether they carry Corona virus is real. Handshake, which is the most commonest way of greetings, has stopped. Even the official government handshakes have ceased because God is taking back the crown. "Everyone be on your own" is the order of the day. Celebrations have ceased: marriage, parties, etc. are not celebrated the way they should. The fear of death now takes over the globe which resulted in this UN-WHO- inspired house arrest, or global imprisonment; you can call it  "lockdown yourself in your house" order. The WHO's global Imprisonment for fear of death has not stop death but it has stopped economic activities that eventually become agent of death by way of starvation.The Lord says, "I am the alpha and omega, I died and I'm alive now. I have the key of death and hell" (Rev.1:18). Many People now look for God as the only way out and not science for his gives wisdom to the humble as he has told me he has given Israel medical wisdom for the cure of the virus from a common substance. 

The prophesy, as received and delivered at African Holy Land on 12th and 19th February 2020, “for the sake of my holy name I will bring healing from a common substance. I will use Israel medical science physically to bring cure, and spiritually, I will bring healing through (Israel in Africa) Akwa Abasi Ibom State in Nigeria”. 

It wasn’t long Israel announced that they have discovered vaccine for the pandemic.

God is great even Hulk Hogan is preaching only God like Udom Emmanuel of Akwa Ibom State and other gods cease and can’t help any more. 

Physically, Israel suppose to have entered into rest as they entered into Jerusalem as their capital on May 14th 2019. And from that day in 2019 to May 14th 2020 - a period of one year, should have been a rest period for Israel. God, before now, wanted to bring back king David of Israel and the throne to Jerusalem but the arrangement was shifted but now it has returned to Jerusalem preparing the way for the return of the Messiah. Israel had ignired Jerusalem return and  went about struggling for the Crown, thinking it was the Prime ministership crown. They never knew that there is something more than that coming back to Israel, which is not a political crown. It was something that gone missing but now it has returned. God had allowed a lot of things to happen in the past as he says in  Ezekiel 21:27 that I will overturn, overturn, overturn until the man who has the right comes I will give you to him. And because of the mistake of Israel God allowed “the crown of pandemic” to come to Israel. When the Prime Minister come to this knowledge, he called for a forceful Sabbath rest for God's people and as they started, the God of Israel who is the God of the whole earth in his sovereign action, forces all the nations into rest from their works so that he can work and bring out a new world that would recognize that the earth is the Lord and his fullness thereof. That is to say that only God has the final say. There remained a rest for God's people. And God's resting place now is Christ. Look for him and you would have rest in the messiah of the whole earth. 
“Now we, who have believed have entered that rest while others are not. God had said, "So I declared on oath in my anger, 'They shall never enter my rest.'" And yet his work had finished since the creation of the world.
From somewhere, these words have been spoken about the seventh day thus: "And on the seventh day God rested from all his work."
And again in the passage above he says, "They shall never enter my rest." It therefore means that some will enter that rest, and those who formerly had the gospel preached to them did not go in, because of their disobedience.
Therefore God again set a certain day, calling it Today. Just like he said to David a long time ago, he is now saying now: "Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts."
Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the LORD rises upon you. See, darkness covers the earth and thick darkness is over the peoples, but the LORD rises upon you and his glory appears over you. This virus is a deep darkness that is covering all the earth, but as the people of God, after now, the glory of God is coming; the healing is sure - very sure after now.
God's place of rest is not the 7th day, the synagogue, or the church, etc. The day of rest, the place of rest, and God's 7th day is Jesus Christ. God's home, therefore, as it is written that they would enter into my rest, is Jesus Christ and not a physical place or land. It is a spiritual personality who, within his spirit, dwells a body of believers globally for he please God that his fullness dwell in him bodily. Now as the Lord has received the crown from men, everything now must obey the law of God. In this season, many traditional laws, religious laws, scientific laws, Governmental laws are broken and nobody is victimized. When Jesus broke the Jewish law, they were angry but now Corona Virus has made them break laws: human laws are now broken, personal laws are broken, some deadly and demonic traditional laws are broken. We thank God who has decided to shake the heaven and the earth and remove so many things so that the unshakeable will stand. This shaking is the first stage of the global shakings. Others are coming too. This global pandemic is sparking the desire of many nations for Christ as people are forcefully breaking laws, hobbies, etc. God is great! If Corona means the crown, then what China is fighting for is a missing crown that is going back to America. The crown which left America during Bush-Obama era, has returned to America through Donald Trump, who is the king David of America. Hence, the spiritual war between America and China is about the global power  but  the  crown  is with America. The  power  that  promised  Hilary Clinton Queen of  the world is the same power that promised  China world power and as Hilary Clinton failed so is China.


More so, God announced the return of King David's crown to Jerusalem since 2019. The crown is physically now in Jerusalem with Benjamin Netanyahu. Notably, the crown is coming from England back to Jerusalem.

King David did not agree for a divided Jerusalem. He even named Jerusalem the city of David in his days which seal you bear as revealed in a global prophetic watch from African Holy Land 2011. Attached herewith.”

 “I see a king in future in the nation of the new Israel.  He will be the most powerful king ever. The God of Israel will be his father and he will be his son; he will rule with the fear of the lord and the wisdom of the highest God will be given him. He will bring glory of God of his father David and he will deliver his people from bondage, and nations will bow and bring tribute to the God of Israel”. Global prophetic voice 2011.
 The above prophecy has been fulfilled, and there is a mystery about Jerusalem and King David that connect Benjamin Netanyahu by divine revelation. He revealed that the Israel Department of Antiquities did loaned him the King David's signet ring as reported in AIPAC 2010. He said:
  “In my office, I have a signet ring that was loaned to me by Israel’s Department of Antiquities. The ring was found next to the Western wall but it dates back some 2,800 years ago. Two hundred years after King David turned Jerusalem to Capital”. 
And based on these revelations and the godly vision for Africa and Israel,” which he saw; Israel is coming to Africa and Africa going to Israel”, we in African Holy Land; The Jerusalem (Israel) of Africa, hereby declare that, Mr. Benjamin Netanyahu, “The King David 1 of the New Israel” has, in his time, taken Israel back to Jerusalem, the capital, just as his father David did in his time. As prophesied, Netanyahu is capturing the tombs of the Abraham and the patriarchs  in 2020 accompanied with the full returned of the crown.

Israel originated from God and was named by God himself. Therefore no man can stop Israel from being a nation with capital at Jerusalem, which means the blessing  of the world and taking over of where  Abraham, Sarah, Isaac, Israel and David were buried. David paid a full price for securing where the Altar of the Lord was built. Jesus  Christ also paid the full price for our salvation and deliverance of the world.

 More so, the spiritual crown of king David, the lion of Judah, has been returned to his bride in African where he roars in God's church while preparing his people for his physical coming. Let it be known to all that God title deed to our father Abraham are threefold; the land, like the dust of the earth; the air, like the stars of heaven; and the water, the sand of the seashore. 

The dust of the earth (the black race) the stars of heaven (Hebrew race) and the sand of the seashore (the whites race) were all promised to one man for obeying God. Why did God began  the promises with the black race? It is because the Dust of the earth are the uncountable Abrahamic children whose covenant began from the river of Egypt( Africa). 

Whatever you do on the land, the sea and the air be it known to you that you are indebted to the God of Abraham and his seed forever.

But we speak God's wisdom in a mystery, the hidden wisdom which God predestined before the ages to our glory”

Shalom Israel now in Jerusalem
Shalom Israel in Africa 
Shalom Akwa Abasi Ibom state Nigeria  

Being a message delivered  this 14th day of may 2020 by Da Effiong Daniel on the 72th Israel independence Anniversary celebration at  African Holy Land  Akwa Ibom state Nigeria  at African  holy land  Akwa Ibom state Nigeria.    
Da Effiong Daniel Ukpong is a minister of God, he writes from African Holy Land Akwa Abasi Ibom state, Nigeria.  daniel4altar@gmail.com 08164000878 



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