Jesus Died On A “Cursed Day”

By Da Effiong Daniel 

The type of dead Jesus died for us was a cursed dead, for cursed is a man that is hanged on a tree.In Annang if you die on Edet market day you are cursed. If Jesus came to die for all, that also concels annang peoples' prayer which says lord may i not die on a cursed day. He was cursed for the Annang people.

   The days God had created - from first to the seventh day were blessed and til now those days, in the heart of God, are blessed days.
 When man first sinned against God, Satan introduced days to Adam’s generations and from that time till now, men replaced and created names for those days for themselves or their idols, yet the original   days God made are blessed. (And God saw everything that he had made and behold, it is very good and the evening and the morning were the sixth day).Gen. 1:31. 

      I want to believe if you look at your traditions now, there are some of the days you would not wish to be born or die. To some, it is believed if you are born in such day you are  a cursed person. More so, if you die on a particular day, you are also deemed a cursed person. What humans have created called “tradition of man” have now brought great trouble to man “and Jesus said you disobeyed the commandment of God tradition." Matt15:3.

    When you look at your traditions and cultures, some of you may not blame Jeremiah or Job in their books Jer. 20:14-18; Job 3:1-20 etc. when they cursed their birthdays. 
In some traditions, before a child is born they will consult oracle to find what kind of child is coming to the world and what needed to be done and the day of his birth -  whether he will bring good or bad or evil. They will totally believe what the oracle would say. Some would kill the child at birth to destroy the misfortune as predicted by diviners. If you look at horoscope and its predictions, you may resort to cursing the day you were born like Job and Jeremiah and others who had false prophets telling them that the gods of the day they were born carried bad stars that are affecting them in life.

In some communities, if you  born on a certain day you are a cursed; you die on a certain day you are also a cursed.
 Looking at Annang traditions, some people don’t want their children to be born on a particular day and they don’t also want to die on a particular day too. That day in Annang is a cursed day. When someone dies in Annang, the first question any Annang man or woman would ask is when did he die? If you say Edet market day, they would sigh and describe it a bad or cursed death. But if you mentioned any other day you would see it as a normal death. What matter most is the day of death first. But whose fault? It is appointed unto a  man to die after the judgment. It is also noted that life and death is in God hands, and not in the hands of anyone. The day you are born is not your choice and the day you die is not your choice too. Why then should some people hold on to a particular day as a cursed day? In Annang cursed day, any person who died on that day is looked at as a cursed person or deemed a bad dead.

 I want to say here that Jesus did not die on a good day as held by some but on a cursed day - “for crucifixion to the Jew was considered the most horrible kind  or form of death and a curse. For cursed is a anyone that is hang on a tree.” In most cases, the body would be allowed to rot on the cross by the action of the sun and rain or be devoured by birds and beast. Interment was generally  forbidden, but in the consequence to Deut, 21; 22-23, an exemption was made in favor of the Jews, Matt27; 58.

According to the tradition of the Annang people, it is believed that anyone who die on a cursed day is not dying a good death but a bad one and sacrifice must be done for the gods (Ikpaisong) before burial; or shoud not be buried but would be directed that the corpse be taken to the shrine and kept there to rot otherwise evil would befall those that had taken part in the burial. But Jesus died on a cursed day and became a final sacrifice to stop every other sacrifice and then brought freedom to those that are afraid of being dead on a cursed day in Annang. I want to ask, who has authority over death, God or Ikpaisong? Who kill and keeps a life? Ikpaisong or God?  Who chose the day of birth and death, is it Ikpaisong or God?  Jesus said, I am the resurrection and the life, “I am he that liveth and was dead and behold I am alive for evermore, and have the keys of hell and  dead".Rev1; 18.  
I want to say that from the fall of man when Ikpaisong was cursed for the sake of man, till now Satan stood on “the cursed ground” (Gen.3; 17) and formulated earthy ideas for man. God cursed the ground for your sake and now the cursed ground has become a deity in Annang called Ikpaisong which have a cursed day for the people.
When man left the original, and accepted what is fake in the garden, troubles began for him even till now. I want you to know that Ikpaisong (ground) whom God has created has no day at all.

When Satan took over the cursed ground for the sake of man, he made the earth a god for man to worship (2 Cor.4:3), and formed a religion around the earth goddess, an object of worship.  God's verdict faces people that worship the earth goddess. As if God is saying to man - because you have left me to worship the earth goddess, curse is the ground (earth) for your sake, in sorrow shall you eat from it all the days of your life.
 It means that those worshipping the earth god or goddess are in sorrow all the days of their lives and all that they will see are thorns and thistles. But blessed is the man that fear and serve the Lord. He shall be like a tree planted by the side of the river, its leaves are always green.
Therefore, understand this mathematics: if the ground (dust) was use in forming man to worship God and he left God to worship the earth/ground  which was used in forming him, what is God saying is: from now on the original is coming up to me in heaven and the earthky remain here on earth,,  “dust will you return from where you comes.”
Dust/Dust = 0, this simply means man that worship the earth gods is 0 and the snake have free entrance in 0 and when man became 0 he becomes nothing. And these are the people Satan are mobilizing globally in a religious way to fight Christ. 

Jesus said, without me you can do nothing. That means a man without Christ is an earthly man. A man that worship self and what he can do those that worship Ikpaisong (idol) are like Ikpaisong (idol). They profited nothing and they are in the eyes of God nothing. When you are talking about nothing, you are talking about 0 where the snake, the old snake can flow freely. Think and choose  one. Isa.44:10-11.
 Those that follow this Ikpaisong, this earthly goddess, this pathway of the old snake are nothing and they shall be ashamed but others Holy Spirit will lead them. Those that follow Ikpaisong are earthly ( Isa.29:4). They are brought down and shall speak from the earth not from heaven. But those that follow Christ speaks from heaven, as I hear, speak, see and do from the Holy Spirit. Therefore choose to be God's temple where the Holy Spirit dwells than being satanic temple where the devil is dwelling.
An earthly man depend on what he can do, including the sacrifice he can make for himself to be delivered while the heavenly man depends on the sacrificed Jesus on the cross for his deliverance.
 Where is Edet market day in the list of the seven days God created? Even which day did God the Creator decreed that if you born on that day, you are cursed person and if you die on that same day you are a cursed person? 
It looks to me that Job, Jeremiah and you may be seeing that same thing in your cultures and traditions. The day you were born might have been a cursed day and you have regretted being born in such a day. I can feel that some of you in Annang land are seriously praying that you may not die on Edet market day, so that you may not be termed a cursed dead or bad dead just like late Sunday Noah of Ikot Ineme village prayed and God answered:  "Lord I know you are taking me home may it not be on Edet market day so that they may not disgrace your name and force my son Israel for sacrifice."

So in their belief system, all those that died on Edet market days are hell candidates while others that died on other days will go to heaven. Is that the right judgment? Think about it! The judgment of your Ikpaisong and God which one should you believe? God judgment is final and not Ikpaisong which is a thief - he come not but to steal, kill and destroy. In Annang, he stole God’s place in the heart of the people and put fear of death on Edet market day. Ikpaisong is an unclean spirit that Jesus gave us power to cast out. The key of death and hell are in Jesus's hand not with Satan and his demon Ikpaisong. 

What happened to people that died on the cursed days? Some of the corpse would be taken to the shrine and kept there without being buried. In some places, people that die as cursed would be thrown away in the evil forest. Gal. 3:13-14, came up very real, Christ hath redeemed his from the curse of the law being made a curse for us, for it is written, curse is everyone that hangeth on a tree that the blessing of Abraham might come on the gentile through Jesus Christ, that we might received the promise of the spirit through faith” 

Let's take note on the above scripture.  in Annang tradition, Christ died on a cursed day, in fact he becomes a cursed so that those that were praying that they might not die on Edet market day may be redeemed. It is seen here that Christ died on Edet market day – a cursed day so that those who were praying that they might not die on Edet, a curse day in Annang, might be redeemed from the fear of dying on the cursed day (Heb2;14). The dead of Jesus Christ  takes away the curse that the law of the Ikpaisong of the Annang people placed upon the people … the law of life that is in Christ Jesus has set us free from the law of sin and dead. 

Now Christ has taken away the curse, Ikpaisong is powerless because of the dead of Jesus Christ. Therefore let the traditional rulers know that Jesus Christ died on Edet market day; let the believers in the power of Ikpaisong know that Christ died on Edet market day; let all that were born on a cursed day, cursed land, cursed family, and more believe that Christ has become a curse for them so that the blessing of Abraham might come upon us.

If you have become afraid of dying on Edet market day or had born that day, be free now for the power of Ikpaisong was destroyed by the dead of Christ. He who knew no sin became sin for us, hallelujah. Hear this you have been redeemed!  The key of life and dead is in the hand of Jesus Christ, (Rev; 1; 18). Let it be known to you that Jesus died in the evening of the cursed day and was buried on the same day, and he was there for complete three days and three night as he said, “For as Jonah was in the three day and three night in whales belly; so shall the son of man be three day and three night in the heart of the earth” (Matt.12;40).

If this is true, it could be said here that Jesus died on (Edet market day which is the cursed day in Annang) and rose up on Sunday morning (Etim) making the complete three days and nights as he said. In Annang calendar and understanding, he was in the grave on Edet, Editaha, Etim and in the early hours of Offiong. Those that went there discovered empty grave.   

You are the children of the Day. Jesus Christ himself is the Day of your birth and the Day of your dead, and he is everything to you not the deity (Ikpaisong) or your tradition. He is the alpha and omega, the beginning and the ends; he holds the key of the dead and life - it is not in the hand of Ikpaisong. Once again, Jesus Christ died on the cursed day and took your place thus sanctifying all days and can take you home any day but repent and surrender completely to him. 

Da Effiong Daniel Ukpong is a minister of God, he writes from African Holy Land Akwa Abasi Ibom state Nigeria. 08164000878

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  1. With this God as saying through the man of God, I believe that whatever cause day I was into through the understanding any person, I am deliver in the name of Jesus Christ Amen


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