Jerusalem Danger Code

By Da Effiong Daniel

“And I will establish My covenant between Me and you and your descendants after you in their generations, for an everlasting covenant, to be God to you and your descendants after you. Also I give to you and your descendants after you the land in which you are a stranger, all the land of Canaan, as an everlasting possession; and I will be their God." - Genesis 12

We thank God for what He has done in preserving you, Israel, as Abraham's heritage from when he called in him (Gen.12). Till now, you are the children of Abraham and of the covenant he made with him. Last year God said, "I have returned to you Jerusalem with my sure mercies.” We know from that time till now,  you have seen the mercies of God in your life. Even  Akwa Abasi Ibom state, an extension of Israel in Africa, is in God’s mercies because it is Christ's state in Africa just as Israel in the middle East. Hallelujah.

When God named Israel by his mouth (Gen. 32:28; 35:9-12), He was bringing his home (Heaven), a type of His headquarters, on earth in Jerusalem (Ps.76; 1-3). God can confidently say, “Jerusalem is my Home”  and we believe him, hence the glory. 

 We must be reminded that the battle for Jerusalem is more spiritual than   physical as we have seen. It is not a new battle; it is as old as Jerusalem herself.

Do you know that there is a Jerusalem in heaven? That is where the real spiritual battle began and God commanded Angel Michael, the prince of his people Israel, to send Satan down to earth. As he fought at God's headquarters in heaven spiritually, he also fought God headquarter here on earth physically. But the battle is the Lord’s. God won in heaven and is wining here on earth for Jerusalem is His Heavenly city on earth. And now Israel is at home in Jerusalem and shall be moved again. Amen. 

 If asked, who’s on the lord’s side for Jerusalem? I would quickly say, the Jews and the Christians because spiritually and physically they believe in the coming of messiah to Jerusalem.
Who rules Jerusalem? “For this Melchisedeck, king of Salem, priest of the most high God, who met Abraham returning from the slaughter of the kings, and blessed him… first being by interpretation King of righteousness, and after that also King of Salem, which is, King of peace; Without father, without mother, without descent, having neither beginning of days, nor end of life; but made like unto the Son of God; abideth a priest continually. Heb.7

 History has it that the King of Salem (Jerusalem), Melchizedeck, is the endless priest/king of Jerusalem. He named our father Abraham after the Most High God, making him the possessor of the heaven and the earth and even fed him for spiritual strength to produce Isaac whose stock we come from (Gen. 14: 18). If an endless man, Melchizedeck, (Heb.7) is a priest/king of a place(Jerusalem) and even blessed Abraham, our founding father, what do we expect? It is endless covenanted  blessings which we have received  from Abraham (Act.3;25).

Jerusalem was, is and will ever remain a title deed to Abraham and his seed forever - ”in Isaac shall your seed be called”. God was showing a shadow of the real thing to come of all his dealinig with our father Abraham. The real Jerusalem is Sarah, Abraham’s wife, our mother ( Gal. 4:26) whom Prophet Isaiah pointed us to, “look unto Abraham your father and Sarah your mother” (Isa.51; 2). The real Isaac is Christ, and the real Rebekah is the church. All tied to one Jerusalem. We can say here that the Jews and the Christians destinies are tied to Jerusalem, the city of the living God. 

Jerusalem is the most beautiful in elevation, the joy of the whole earth Ps. 48:2.  This proved to us why kings of Nations desires her. Since we know that Jerusalem was a type of Sarah our mother, her beauty attracted the kings of Nations from time to time even now.
 In history, Abraham’s wife (Sarah) has suffered several captures and restorations in the hands of both blacks and whites. In Gen. 12:9-12, the representative of African kings – Pharaoh of Egypt, had captured Sarah for marriage but God punished him and his country and he quickly restored her to Abraham. In Gen.20.1-18, the representative of Arabs nations, Abimelech captured Sarah and took her for a wife but God arose and punished him and his country and he restored her back to Abraham. Who was Sarah that God did all these and for what purpose? She was and is and will still be Jerusalem our mother. She is in the heart of God; she's the joy of the whole earth. 

The most striking thing is the dead sentence that came as a punishment of hurting Sarah (Jerusalem)  - the Abraham’s wife. God says ”you are a dead man” to any president  or king of Nation that want to touch or temper with Jerusalem (Sarah). Even now , the same judgment is still on course. God is jealous over Jerusalem. Therefore stay clear from her for she is Abraham’s wife and our mother forever.

History has it that in 70 C.E, the Romans utterly destroyed Jerusalem. Did they believe she will be rebuilt or restored again? When the Arabs in 638 C.E conquered Jerusalem, did they believe God will restore her again? What do we say about the Britain over the capture of Jerusalem in 1917 and the punishment after? 

 The God of Jerusalem is a God of Vengeance. Look back and see what the Romans lost or suffered for destroying Jerusalem. Look back at Arabs and see what they suffered for capturing Jerusalem. What about Britain?   

We know the God of Israel whose home is in Jerusalem (Ps. 76:1-3) have only one warning for all generations that tempered with Jerusalem: “you are a dead man, a dead nation, a dead king, a dead people. The Romans tried it and were dead; the Arabs tried and were dead, and the British tried were dead.  Those that will try again will face the same death sentence while Sarah (Jerusalem) lives and Israel lives, hallelujah! 

 The restored  Israel  of 1948 and Jerusalem being recognized as Israeli's capital by the United States in 2018 are both sufficient and significant proofs that the God of Israel  as described in the bible lives and Israel lives too. Because all nations will bow to the God of Israel and   those that troubles Jerusalem will be troubled by an angry God.  For he says,”I will bless those that bless you and fight those that fight you”. Be it known to you that the battle of Jerusalem is not our battle but the Lord’s. There is an invisible hand that is fighting for Jerusalem. It is not the Israel's army but the Lord’s army and Jesus Christ is the General.  

We can confidently compare the case of Jerusalem with the captured Ark of covenant of the God of Israel who fought for himself in Philistine and destroyed their gods. In the matter of Jerusalem, God is fighting for himself, and the enemy and their gods will be subdued. The battle has already begun. He will not stop until the enemies of Jerusalem lick dust.

 Jerusalem is not shareable. She is the mother of us all; she is beautiful in elevation, the joy of the whole earth and she is not Mary or the queen of heavens as the Catholics would say. Therefore sharing or releasing any part of Jerusalem by an Act or will of man in a criminal manner is punishable by dead (Gen 20; 1-18). She is a prophet’s wife Arabs kings desire (like Abimelech did) but remember the Lord had declared “you are a dead man.”

Jerusalem (Sarah) is our mother. Therefore,  we in African Holy Land (Israel in Africa), Akwa Abasi Ibom State, Nigeria,  are saying, we don’t  agree Jerusalem, our mother  to be  shared because it was covenanted to  Abraham, Isaac and  Israel  forever. The founding fathers didn’t agree that Jerusalem be shared so anyone must not do so.

 We know some evangelicals and the Pentecostals will not agree  because it was at Jerusalem  the Holy Spirit began the church. Even Jesus, when he saw the future of what the enemy will do to Jerusalem wept over it. We believe he did not agree. He was dedicated, circumcised and name at Jerusalem. The future Disciples of Christ will not agree; Sarah (Jerusalem) herself will not agree. Jerusalem is at home with her children. We believe she will not agree. 

Jerusalem is the home of God on earth. The Christians and the Jews will not agree that Jerusalem, the capital of Israel as the Bible says, be shared. More so this Biblical land is a proof that the Most High God and the Bible is real.
  King David did not agree. He even named Jerusalem the city of David in his days whose seal our lord Jesus Christ bear as the son of King David and there is a mystery about Jerusalem and King David which connects us here by divine revelation. 

Therefore as “King David of Israel did, I pray we will do the same. He fought and captured Jerusalem for the Lord. We are to fight spiritual battle as David did. We pray that you will not allow any part of Jerusalem to be shared instead you will pursue, overtake and recover all, Amen. 

Please purse  and think!, If any man comes to you saying I want your wife  or your mother, and you say 'no, go back to your mother or wife' and he now ask you 'share some part of her to me, so that peace will reign.' At this point, many people compel you to share some part of your wife so that peace will reign. Sir, will you succumb to pressure and share your beloved mother or wife (Sarah –Jerusalem)? God forbid! Jerusalem, our mother can’t be shared. It is believed that those that want Jerusalem to be shared will not submit their mother (Hagar – Saudi Arabia) to be shared. Therefore sharing any part of Jerusalem, our mother, is non-negotiable. 

 Be informed prophetically that God had,  in 2019, arisen in respect to Jerusalem against those that plan evil against her. They will be consumed by their own evil and Jerusalem lives till Christ, the Messiah, comes for He says: “Now will I arise says the lord, now will I be exalted, now will I be lifted up. You conceive chaff, you give birth to straw, and your breath is a fire that consumes you” Isa.33; 10-11 Niv.

 Let it be known in hell the real Satan’s home that:
Jerusalem is at home  alive now with her children and more of her children are coming Here  to Ubon Abasi Ibom (God's family), which is the African Holy Land. We say Jerusalem peace be with you and your children and our anthem always is ;
Arise and shine for thy light is come
Oh Ubon Abasi Ibom 
The lion of Judah is roaring
The God of the whole earth
His name is Akwa Abasi Ibom
His Home is here with us
As He was with the Jews 
So is He with us now
His blood has paid our ransom
And brought us in to share
In commonwealth of Israel 
From now and evermore.

Now, let it be echoed in America and in the Whitehouse that Israel is at home alive  now in Jerusalem. Let it be whispered in the Middle-east that Israel is  at home  alive now  in Jerusalem. Let it be harped by musicians like  king David did,  that Israel is  at home alive  now  in Jerusalem. Let it be published  by journalists/writers worldwide  that  Israel is at  home now  with her children in Jerusalem. Let all the Jews declare globally that Israel is at home alive  now in Jerusalem. Let all the evangelicals proclaim to the ends of the earth  that  Israel is  at home  alive now in Jerusalem. Let all Christians raise their hands to heaven and say Israel is at  home  alive now in Jerusalem. Let all the kings of nations bow their heads and say Israel is  at home  alive now  in Jerusalem. Let it be heard in all the nations that hated God’s people that Israel is at  home alive  now in Jerusalem. Let those nations that secretly  used Ukraine to attack Israel  know now that Israel is at home alive  in Jerusalem. Let the presidents of nations with their flags in Jerusalem declares Israel is  at home alive  now in Jerusalem. Let Mr. Udom Emmanuel, the only state governor in Africa that declared officially that it is Only God of Israel, hear that Israel is at  home alive  now in Jerusalem. Let the people of Akwa Abasi Ibom State, the Israel in Africa, (African Holy Land), the only promise land in Africa (Ubon Abasi Abasi) shout with joy in their hearts that ISRAEL IS AT  HOME ALIVE  NOW WITH HER CHILDREN IN JERUSALEM. Let the Prime Minister, Benjamin Netayahu, the king David 1 of the new Israel as we recognized him today,  stand up in Jerusalem, the capital, and shout at the peak of his voice that ISRAEL IS  AT HOME  ALIVE NOW IN JERUSALEM WITH HER CHILDREN. Now let all that God has created declare that Israel is at home ALIVE now with her children in Jerusalem. Let it be declared in Russia and his allied nations that Israel is at home ALIVE now in Jerusalem. Let all the terrorists group planning to attack Israel know that Israel is at home ALIVE now in Jerusalem.   
Now let Da Effiong Daniel in African Holy Land stand up with the ram horn and blow 71 times that Israel is at home ALIVE now in Jerusalem with her children.
Therefore as Israel is alive and happy now in the land of Zion and Jerusalem so will you that love and pray for her be. Happy 71st anniversary!
Long live African Holy Land!
Long live Israel now in Jerusalem! 

Being a message delivered by Da Effiong Daniel at African holy land; Israel in Africa on the 71st Israeli independent celebration in honor of Jerusalem capital this 14th May, 2019 .

Da Effiong Daniel Ukpong is a minister of God, he writes from African Holy Land Akwa Abasi Ibom state, Nigeria. 08164000878 


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