CORONAVIRUS: Only God Has The Cure

By Da Daniel Effiong

“With God all things are possible to them that believed”

In the above statement, a question may be asked: What about those that doesn’t believe in God? What about those that believe that God's thing or religion is" an opium for the masses or to the poor to forget their sorrows?" We can also believe that solution to those problems that are caused by only God cannot be solved by men but by God himself. It is believed that when God is angry with a person or a nation like he did to Pharaoh and Egypt of old, he   punished them just to bring them to the knowledge that He is God and He rules in the affairs of men, and that only him must be feared and worshipped.

Till now some people and nations never believe in God; some never believe in His existence. But the words of God say “a fool says there is no God". Some believe in their scientific and technological prowess as their gods, they never believe in God the Creator: the God of the whole earth who formed them in their mother’s womb” (Ps 139:15-17). But I Have this to say that whether you believe or not,  God was, and is and will ever be. He is the same yesterday, today and forever.

What would God do to such people and nations that do not believe in him but constantly angered him? He would induce them to tears by bringing several punishments that only him if consulted can bring solution. He does this to see whether they would come to believe and serve him alone.
 If you look at the old Egypt in the Bible, when God wanted to deal with their pride, he brought several punishments and solutions, yet Pharaoh and their magicians refused to repent thus provoked him to more anger and he did some terrible things to prove himself to them and they unanimously exclaimed “this is the finger of God”. He did something that was beyond technology, and science. The God of Israel, the God of the whole earth, the God of the Hebrews whom they refused first was finally recognized by the same whom Pharaoh asked: who is the Lord that I should hear His voice or obey? Exo. 5:2, He said to Moses: "I am who I am." Now the same God is speaking to China, Iran and other nations through Coronavirus, yet some never obey nor believe in the God of the Bible. Like pharaoh and Egypt, their gods didn’t help them so the gods of China wouldn't help too. Some in their pride says, we must not believe the God of the Bible for it is the poor and lazy people who take him and forget their sorrows. Whether you believe Him or not only Him have the solution to the problem of coronavirus that is killing your people day by day.
 Let me tell you, the God of Israel is the God of the whole world (Isa 54:4-5) which manifested in Jesus Christ as the only begotten Son of God, the Savior and deliverer of the whole world. Just believe and you would be healed for he said if you believe you will see the glory.
 To China, Iran and other nations that are affected by coronavirus, this is a message for you if you believe you will see the glory.
The blind man that Jesus was healed asked?
“Who is the, Lord that I might believe in him. And Jesus said unto him, Thou hast both seen him and it is he that talketh with thee .And he said, Lord I believe. And he worshipped him”. 

Now if you look back and see what stubbornness and disobedience has caused Pharaoh and his nation in the past the same may happen to you if you are stubborn and proud. If you may want to learn from Pharaoh, he might have said had I know I would have believed and obeyed his voice as he gave us the first sign just as he is giving to you now through coronavirus (this is the first sign and others are coming). Pharoah might have regretted how he became stubborn to God's words and his servant Moses whom he sent; he became angry and brought more troubles even with angels of dead for strategic killing in the land; we lost all our first sons and our first positions as the greatest nation of the earth, Oh! The God of Israel brought us down because of my stubbornness as he is bringing you down finally, I lost my life, my national security and army completely in the sea, while God’s people were jubilating. We first punished them by not allowing them to worship their God the way He should be worshipped. We deny them freedom of worship and they were crying while we were happy. Please don’t be stubborn to God as I was. Their God is an angry God because I oppressed Israel whom God said was his Son as you are now oppressing the church. All that would make him happy is to let the church go free as I” let Israel go” but mine was too late. What you do now to Christian Is what I did to them but when their God arose we cried at last. I want you to beg Him and his Son Jesus Christ, He is a merciful God as I did through Moses. Don’t claim your gods would help you. Of all the gods we had in Egypt, none brought help and none delivered us from the God of Israel.

I see God speaking to China, Iran and other nations who believe in themselves, their science and technology just like He did to  Pharaoh.

When God bring trouble or disaster to a nation, if they repent and turn from their evil ways, God would hear from heaven and heal their land. 

The problem of coronavirus in China and other nations is from God as he spoke to us on 9th January, 2019 as edited; 
“Are you hearing something, this 2019, I am sensing God is going to arise in a Mighty Form. Watch this , the economy of America was “down beginning from the time of (President George) Bush administration till (President) Barrack Obama” and “God” was behind it, and (He) (God) raised the economy of China to “stand in the highest” just to “shame America”. (He was) trying to bring China’s (economy) on top so that China would want to claim (there are the) World Power. Now, but God (has) arise (n) and brought (President Donald) Trump into Government. And as ((President) Trump has entered into Government (of the United States of America) by God’s hand, God is going to “bring down the economy of China”. (And) there is going to be a “major downfall of the economy” of China in 2019 and 2020.  (And) God is going to “bring them down,” so that the “Underground Church” in China will begin to surface, (and) because China don’t want “the Gospel (of our Lord Jesus Christ) to be preached”; (hence) “the Church is Underground”. God is going to “bring down the pride of China”, so that “the Underground Church” will begin to surface. (And)There is going to be “a serious breakings” in the China (economy) that would raise men that were “Under to come-up” and “begin to declare for Jesus (Christ)”.
He does this to bring down their pride and economy as he did to Ahab’s economy in order to bring Israel back to himself; the only wise God, the Creator of the heaven and the earth and Jesus Christ his only begotten Son will be glorified in China and other nations.

  In the time of Ahab, Israel left God to Baal and He brought Elijah in to bring Israel back to the real God by bringing down the economy. Elijah said “who long halt ye between two opinions? If the Lord the God follow him but if Baal then follow him” (1 Kings 18:21c).

 If China and other nations would look for God and his only son Jesus Christ and turn from their wicked ways, solution to coronavirus is at hand, because he alone brought the disease and only him have the final solution. 

According to him    through his servant at African Holy Land on12th and 19th February 2020, “for the sake of my holy name I will bring healing from a common substance, I will use Israel medical science physically to bring cure and spiritually I will bring healing through(Israel in Africa) Akwa Abasi Ibom State in Nigeria”. 

Listen! God wants to prove to the whole world that He is the God of the whole earth, for the earth is the Lord and its fullness thereof. He wants to introduce his Son again to the nations that are stubborn and proud. And I hear him saying again “this is my beloved Son in whom I am well please, hear ye him” and when I do it,   the magicians of today in China, in Iran and other nations who do not believe that coronavirus is God’s anger on them would realize like the magicians of Pharaoh’s time that coronavirus is the finger of God on stubborn and proud nations beginning with China. This is the finger of God on the nations. Let the nations hear that he thundered from heaven for the sake of his anointed Son, Jesus Christ.The adversaries of the Lord shall be broken to pieces ; out of Heaven shall he thunder upon them; the Lord shall judge the ends of the earth; the Lord shall give strength onto  his king and exalt the horn of his anointed (I Sam. 2:5-10).KJV

Da Effiong Daniel Ukpong is a minister of God, he writes from African Holy Land Akwa Abasi Ibom state Nigeria. 08164000878 


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